Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is HOPE a Medicine?

HOPE is one the most beautiful and strongest word it the word. I am one of those people whom people talk and share there sorrows. When ever I talk to any one, one thing I make sure that after talking to me they have a hope that everything could be change. I strongly believe that the biggest and strongest medicine you can ever find in the world is HOPE. It may not able to cure bu it will certainly give you strength to fight against it.

Just think a world without HOPE. It would be like a machine world. A child takes his first step in life hopping to go forward with out falling. Now hope can be Negative or Positive. I am here talking about Positive Hope. I saw this movie Vaada Raha, seriously it made me remember all the past stories on hope and how it cures different people. We all are some how living because of some hope.

It has been proved that if we don't think that we can get cure with some medicine we will not get cure. As we are talking a about medicine, I also want to add few more things. When we feel sad we like to go in dark, but when we are happy we like to go in light. As said in my previous post Light is also a energy and Darkness too. Now when you are sad never sit in dark try to take a walk in park in morning or go in terrace you will understand the difference. When ever my friends say they are felling low I recommend them to go sunlight or were there is light. I don't know the reason but I feel sunlight gives the positive energy which help us to fight. Darkness provide the negative energy and that is one the reason maximum crime are committed in night. I know you will say no because we cannot see, but why is that we think bad things more in night even though it is not related to darkness.

Coming back to Hope, when you talk to a person who is very sad and you are not a doctor, but then also you can help them by giving or trying to show them some hope in future. Cancer a dreadful decease, it is really painful but little hope can give these people a strength to fight back. You I am writing this so that I can bring hope that there is way to each and every sorrow.

Today we are so busy in our life's that we don't care all these things. When a son fails, father should give hope to a his son that he will get success in life in future. He should inspire him to work hard in-spite of shouting and making him feel low. Fear may help us to win the short race but to get success throughout the life we should have have hope and positive attitude towards world and its problems.

I have seen recession and got affected with it too. But it is hope in me that is making me fight back. I have a hope one day I will be able to help my dad and support my family. If any Doctors are reading these blog please do give me your comments it may help us in understanding how important it is to light a candle of hope in others life.

Shibu Alex Justify Full

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