Sunday, May 2, 2010

Can I stop this?

Can I Stop this?
A silent mind is best way to get answers. I always find my present world much more different from the past. Things have changed a lot. When I was a small boy, getting 0ne rupee was my biggest reward and now earning in thousands, but still it is not enough. What went wrong? Who made it wrong? Why our next generation won’t be able to play on the ground were we use to play? Why our next generation won’t be able to eat the fruits of the trees from were we use to eat? Why our next generation will not be able o breath the air which we had? Why ………………….? And many more questions.

There are so many questions whose answers will lead to guilt. Who made all the wrong things which are destroying us and our only earth? The answers to all this is I. Ask these questions to your self and you will find it is ourselves.

Let us start with a small thing?

Coffee Mugs: All of us who work in different office let us count how many coffee mugs we use in a day. Let us say 5. Now a small calculation will help us to find a big answer.

5 mugs a day

5*18(working days in a month)= 90

1.6 million Technology professionals are there in India

Now just thing how much we are adding to the garbage.

I hope our city which is called as garden city won’t be call as called in above link Bangalore City of garbage.

Who made this change? Who made it a fashion? Who made it? Who use it? Who ……….?

Answer: Our self.

1 comment:

Joseph Thankachan said...

good one buddy
never thot abt te coffee cups before so seriously