Tuesday, October 6, 2009

God and Science

Well I am not a regular blogger, but just wanted to share my thought with you. I have seen life in both scientific way and godly way. An found out that both are one of Justify Fullthe most important part of life.

Now coming to topic God and Science. I been going to some you tube video's and found out people talking about existence of God and Science. Some says God doesn't exits and some says Science and blb bla .......!!

My meaning of Science is study of God's creations and how he created.
My meaning of God is the Supreme power or energy whose energy we are sharing according to the formula E=mc2.

I am an engineer and I work in electronics, finding the new way to make life easy. But I believe God existence and also believe the existence of Science. Actually for me Science is study of God's creation not study of existence of God. Science help us to find they way God(Super Power) has created  this world.

Sir Albert Einstein proved E=mc2 which show each and every mass is made of energy, now I believe God(Super Power) made everything by transforming his energy in to different shape and size. This energy which we have in us is the part of the Super Power who has made us.
I just respect that Super Energy by giving different name and religion. It is just the way of life which religion taught us. Now religion is made by human so that we can live a discipline life.

It hardly matters what religion you are all you have to do is to live a good life which doesn't harm others. Now problem arises when we start using religion for selfish needs. We want to prove we are strong just like animal prove it in jungle. We want to attract others and to attract other we do many things.

Now coming back to topic, E= energy we posses has been proved that it can neither be created or destroyed. So if we believe in E= MC2 then it is very clear we posses this energy. As we know energy cannot be created or destroyed so I believe the energy we have in us is the God's part. God is the Supreme energy and he made us by using his own energy.

Please I would like to hear your comments against or with anything which help me to understand more

Shibu Alex


Unknown said...

hi ..Shibu the blog is quite nice. I think it help many people to believe in the existence of the SUPER POWER. the only one. thanks for sharing ur thoughts

Shweta said...

proud of you my boy!
Nice thoughts and i appreciate that you took some time out from your bsy schedule to help others.

shweta said...

I like this one more than the previous one.